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邓小平江泽民的经济理论是马克思主义政治经济学与时俱进的理论成果,他们关于社会主义初级阶段社会主义建设和发展的理论是对马克思主义政治经济学的继承、发展与创新,是对社会主义政治经济学的理论创新。  相似文献   
高职院校的思想实际状况和思想政治工作的自身发展需要创新,创新必须坚持科学性原则,民主性原则,以人为本的原则,情感原则,时效性原则,综合性原则,创新是一个庞的系统工程,包括观念,内容,形式与方法,机制与队伍建设的创新。  相似文献   
当代政治民谣:中国社会转型期的特殊政治文化现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代政治民谣是中国社会转型期的一种特殊的政治文化现象,其产生和传播有着深刻的社会政治、经济、文化因素,在社会政治中具有特殊的功能和价值。它是普通民众政治感情的流露,其内容主要是讽刺、谴责现实社会中存在的腐败现象和腐败分子,可以作为当前共产党员进行党纪党性教育的一本民间教材,让广大党员尤其是党员领导干部以之为镜,让心中的警钟长鸣,防患于未然。  相似文献   
《陈风.墓门》是《诗经》中一首篇幅简短却颇有争议的诗。笔者通过对陈国历史史实、社会习俗的考证和对该诗关键章句、字词的分析,又参之以相关文献,对《墓门》进行重新释意,同时,通过考证也推定《墓门》诗当完成于公元前548年—公元前544年之间,为《诗经》所收最晚的一首诗。  相似文献   
Drawing on a national survey of 1,157 South Korean adults, the present study finds that social media use for political news is positively associated with knowledge about political issues, but not with knowledge about political processes. Professional media use for political news is significantly associated with both political issue knowledge and political process knowledge. The impact of social media for news on political issue knowledge increases with the additive role of professional media news use. This study also finds that political talk strengthens the positive association between social media use for news and political issue knowledge.  相似文献   
Multi-academy trusts (MATs) are now a common feature of the English educational landscape. Yet numerous high-profile failures indicate that they present substantial challenges in terms of leadership and governance. One of the areas that most exercises school leaders and boards is the setting of strategic direction for the MAT. This includes elements such as its expansion. This article draws on 30 interviews with school leaders and trustees from 6 MATs and 10 interviews with national leaders of governance in looking to respond to the research question: What are the principal drivers for strategic expansion in MATs? The article begins by contextualising the research in light of recent policy, then moves to consider why theory on strategy as narrative was chosen in preference to other strategic approaches, and how it was employed to analyse data. The article concludes that within this sample there are a number of drivers for MAT expansion and that these fall under six principal categories: opportunities, values, pressures, feelings, risks and resources. It also concludes that resources and business viability play a substantial part in decisions to expand, and that strategy appears to be an iterative learning process. As such, it contributes to theory on the governance of multi-level organisations and to practice in terms of the Department for Education's focus on MAT growth.  相似文献   
西汉政论散文的兴盛既是对先秦以来诸子论政传统的继承与发扬,更是汉代新的政治形态的产物.西汉政治较为开放,君主鼓励为臣者发表各种不同观点,而西汉今文博士制度的设立,使得廷议之风更加兴盛,而这正是政论散文兴起的重要条件.  相似文献   
兴起于 2 0世纪 80年代的新制度政治学表面上是对传统政治学的复归 ,但实际上是在对当代行为主义和理性选择理论批判的基础上 ,对传统政治学中一些重要问题的重新关注。新制度政治学是当代西方学者在结合传统政治学和当代政治科学方面的一个尝试。  相似文献   
19世纪后期,民主社会主义的产生有许多深层次的原因。在经济上,资本主义经济制度在微观和宏观两个层面上发生了深刻变化,股份公司兴起,国家职能扩大。在政治上出现了民主扩大的趋势,使政治制度化与政治参与相协调,这些变化降低了工人的革命性,导致工人阶级改良情续的滋长。苏东剧变进一步降低了科学社会主义形象,增强了民主社会主义的吸引力,并且民主社会主义本身也不断发展自己的理论,把新社会运动整合到自己的周围,这进一步增强了民主社会主义的势力。  相似文献   
人民观是毛泽东等党的第一代领导人给我们留下的一份珍贵遗产。人民观是中国共产党永恒的历史课题,是党的几代领导人共同关注的政治主题。人民观也是时代的呼唤,人民的心声,是党的生命力旺盛不衰的关键所在。研究和探讨其时代价值。意义重大而深远。  相似文献   
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